KASU Resumption Date for 2022/2023 Academic Session (1st & 2nd Semester)

KASU Resumption Date for 2022/2023 Academic Session (1st & 2nd Semester)

The resumption date for the first and second semesters of Kaduna State University has been made public. Check when lectures will resume at KASU for the 2022/2023 academic year. Here’s everything you need to know about KASU’s new resumption date for freshers and returning students.

The management of Kaduna State University has officially announced the latest date for the resumption of classes at the university. However, are you among the people asking when KASU will reopen? Here on this webpage are the details about the reopening date of the Kaduna State University.

When will lectures resume at Kaduna State University? Many students, old and new, have asked us this question. Therefore, we have decided to prepare this article and enlighten you in-depth about Kaduna State University’s resumption.

KASU Resumption Date 2022

KASU’s resumption date will be July 14, 2022; freshers and returning students are to resume and continue their studies on the indicated date above, according to the school management.

The resumption date may change from time to time due to events such as the ASUU strike or holidays, among others. However, we will notify you once there are changes to the latest KASU resumption date.

In addition, given the current Academic Staff Union of Universities strike, the resumption of lectures at Kaduna State University will take place after the strike.

Kaduna State University Resumption Date for Freshers 2022

KASU’s resumption date will be July 14, 2022; freshers and returning students are to resume and continue their studies on the indicated date above, according to the school management.

KASU’s first and second semesters resumption dates and timetable will be available here. You will also receive the most recent academic calendar of Kaduna State University so that you can keep up with all the events of the academic session.

Before setting a new resumption date, KASU usually meets with the school’s administration and senate to determine the best resumption date for freshers and returning students.

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